Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template

Hi! I'm Nurain

Developer, Graphic and UI Designer

My full name is Nurain Zafirah binti Zailan. Born in Perak, Malaysia at 08th March 2003. My first year of school was at SK Changkat Lada 2 (Elementary School), followed by SBP Integrasi Gopeng (High School). I pursued a Foundation in Information Technology (FIT) for my third level education at University College TATI (UCTATI) and I continued a with degree in Bachelor of Computer Sciece with Honours (BCSC), also at UCTATI.

After watched my aunt working with her laptop during MCO, I was inspired to dig more about developer world. I love how cool and interesting it looks. This inspiration helped me decide which path I wanted to follow in the future. Additionally, my nature aptitude for problem-solving aligns well with the work I will do in my job.